Lifestyle photography

By Hotel Creatives




If you want dynamic and lively hotel photography, then you should consider doing a lifestyle photoshoot. This kind of photography places people into real-life situations at the hotel, capturing moments as naturally as possible. Lifestyle photography tells a story about guests and the experiences they have at the hotel. The goal is to create an emotional connection with potential guests by having them imagine themselves relaxing at the hotel spa, feasting on the fine dining or reclining peacefully in their rooms.

Model Casting & legal forms

First of all, we always recommend working with professional models. Although this invokes additional costs, it is undoubtedly worth it. Working with professional models who are used to posing and listening to the photographer’s directions will save you a lot of time and energy. We suggest contacting a local agency or arranging it through Hotel Creatives.

Models should be representative of the main demographic of the hotel. Pay particular attention to the age range and to the different ethnicities. They should look credible, not too beautiful or clichéd so that it’s easier for guests to identify themselves with the subjects.

It is also important to make sure that all the models have signed the legal forms and the licences for the use of the photos before the photoshoot takes place.

Wardrobe, make-up & styling

When it comes to styling, the best thing to do is to hire a professional stylist. Some stylists can style the models as well as arrange the set. Stylists ensure that the images perfectly fit your brand and that the models mirror the guests of the hotels. Clothing should be similar to that of the target audience. For instance, for a hotel that hosts mainly business professionals, models should be wearing some sort of business attire. The same applies to hairstyles and make-up.

It is better to avoid clothing with the logo of an immediately identifiable brand. The same applies to accessories, such as bags and luggage.

For evergreen lifestyle photography, keep in mind not to make the clothing and hairstyle choices too fashionable or trendy. This way, you can use the photos for many years. For seasonal photoshoots, like for Christmas or Valentine’s Day promotions, be sure to include looks and other visual details that fit the theme.


Hire a professional to create timeless hairstyles and subtle make-up.


Use a stylist who can match the looks and the set to your brand and audience.


Reserve a spare changing room for the clothing racks, stylist and models.


A clothing rack and steamer will help the stylist to keep clothes wrinkle-free. Set up tables and chairs for the models and make-up.

On set

On the day of the photoshoot, consider hiring a professional hairstylist and make-up artist. Block out a room for clothing racks, tables, chairs and a steamer for quick and easy styling.

The stylist should also be present on set to oversee the preparation of the models, to guide the hair and make-up artist and to make sure that everything fits into the brand values.

Team members

The staff act as the face of the hotel, so their styling should be looked after too. Usually, real team members are used for shots including the staff. This will help make the pictures even more genuine and authentic.

Team members should wear their work uniform, making sure that they’re clean and wrinkle-free. They should also be well-groomed, with subtle make-up.

Team members must also sign permission forms and usage licenses.

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